
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Mike Huckabee, me thinks he doth protest too much

Oh, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike; what a  pathetic try.

The segregationists said that they were on the right side of the Bible.

The men trying to deny women’s suffrage said they were on the right side of the Bible.

The owners of millions of enslaved Africans said they were on the right side of the Bible.

The British, Spanish and European conquerors of the Native American people said they were on the right side of the Bible.

The Grand Inquisitors said they were on the right side of the Bible.

The Crusaders said they were on the right side of the Bible.

The crucifiers of Christ said THEY were on the right side of the Bible.

I’d bet a dollar to a doughnut too that they’d all say that the Bible wasn’t their book to change.  True, but their attitudes, prejudices and actions were theirs to change.

I think that this ordained minister might need to go back to divinity school.  The Bible most certainly did NOT drop from Heaven signed by God in its finished, edited form.  This book was inspired by events and God and written by men within the confines of their place in time.

Huckabee by his words proves that he is not Presidential material.

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