
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Free Tibet, Free China when one is a victim we all are!

In the Gospel of Luke, John the Baptizer when asked by the crowd, what to do says: He who has two coats let him share with him who has none, and he who has food let him do likewise”(3:11).

So, when called to Christian ministry and social justice I see things much the same way, especially when contemplating human rights and oppression. Therefore I will approach the Peoples Republic of China and their actions and also the actions of the present administration in the U.S. and the capitalists in the U.S. and worldwide in much the same fashion. Could we ask this question with respect to human rights, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and a whole host of other personal liberties?

The Peoples Republic of China’s government is doing its level best to quash the movement for freedom in Tibet spearheaded by the Buddhists in that region lead by the Dali Lama. The evil that is the Peoples Republic will stop at nothing to keep Tibet under its boot. They will lie, cheat, kill, steal and spin the truth to break the spirit if not the backs of the Tibetans. Therefore, as I see it, we could say; if one has freedom, let him share with those who have none. If one has a voice, let him share it with those who have none. It is the duty and obligation for every follower of Christ to speak out and take action against the Peoples Republic of China.

Our call to action is to boycott products made in China to not only punish the totalitarian government there but the capitalists who lie down with this vile den of vipers. Included in this den is the International Olympic organization who choose Beijing for the Olympics and most consumer companies who promote if not give a blind eye to the forced labor and slavery upon which the Chinese capitalist model is built. We are obligated as followers of Christ to call attention to the tens of thousands if not millions who toil to feed the beast which is Chinese capitalism. We are charged to withhold our dollars in attempt to starve that beast which shackles of so many.

For nearly twenty years the world has turned a blind eye to Chinese oppression, hostility, anger and manipulation because of its thirst for inexpensive clothing and consumer trinkets. It is time for us to raise up a chorus of voices to force change in the Peoples Republic of China and in the board rooms of capitalist ventures worldwide. It is time for followers of Christ to raise ruckus in the halls of Congress and the White House to force change. It is time for all of us to understand that when one of us is a slave, prisoner or victim we are all victims. It is time for the followers of Christ to say no more slavery, oppression and violence in Tibet or greater China.

The irony in all of this is that today President George W. Bush’s national security advisor Stephen Hadley has said, “The kind of "quiet diplomacy" that the U.S. is practicing is a better way to send a message to China's leaders rather than "frontal confrontation." What simple nonsense and cop out. What caused the Soviet Union to fall was Ronald Reagan standing up to them and the evil that they were. What is needed now is a bulwark of Reagan’s stature to stand against the Chinese and their capitalist friends. Unfortunately I do not see one ready to take up the standard here in the west and the only one on the world stage is the Dali Lama a leader in exile and country less. So until the Dali Lama has backing, a voice and worldwide support I will write and pray for change in Tibet and the Peoples Republic of China.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The evil that is the Chinese Governement

(Romans 2:4) says "can't you see that he has been waiting all this time without punishing you, to give you time to turn from your sin? His kindness is meant to lead you to repentance.'

Oh to the government of China and those capitalist ventures involved in the Beijing Olympics. Oh to those ventures who have sold their souls for fifty pieces of Gold? Oh to those capitalists who have bedded down with a villainous, totalitarian, abusive, wretched and quasi-communist~facist government. The government of the Peoples Republic of China and the capitalists that bed down with them are true evil. They are as bad as Chairman Mao, Mussolini, Stalin and Adolph Hitler. The extent of the abuse carried out by the Chi-Com government will be the bell weather gauge for evil in the first half of the twenty first century.

The Chi-Com government embedded in Beijing is the monster that without conscience gunned down and destroyed the protestors in Tiananmen Square some twenty years ago. This is the government that has oppressed Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Tibetan, Mongul and ethnic Korean. This is the two headed dragon that bulldozes house Churches all across their empire because they know that if the fundamental tenants of Christian love and social justice take hold that they are ruined. They also know that if radical elements of Islam take hold in their western frontiers that they are indeed doomed.

Make no mistake of whom we’re dealing with. This is a cadre that has sold itself to the capitalists of the world and made a back room deal with them to stay in power. The brokered deal; to the capitalists, you stay out of government and we the politicos will leave you alone. You the capitalists will be free to spread poisoned pet food throughout the world. You money makers can also create poisoned tooth paste and add copious amounts of lead and lead paint to children’s toys. You have free rein to do those things as long as the Chi-Com regime has free rein to destroy any and all dissent in Tibet or any where in the evil empire.

Here is a cadre of evil doers with no conscience to turn from sin. This cadre is guilty of sin of destruction of personal values and beliefs, the sin of oppression, murder and rape. This cadre is most guilty of have no moral gauge, no compass to guide them from right to wrong. There is no shame in Chi-Com China, there are no morals, and there is no decent right ground. The same is true of the capitalists who profiteer from the evil in the Peoples Republic of China and the consumer world wide who turn a blind eye to the evil in the Chinese government.

It is time to follow the lesson of Romans 2:4 and turn our gaze to the leadership of God, who is infinite and just. It is time for them to follow a God who through God’s example will lead all of those who follow away from sin and wretchedness. Will the Chi-Com regime and the capitalists in bed with them do this? Not until the consumer world wide holds them accountable for their wicked, wicked ways.