
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The culture war comes home.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  This is the first line of the Declaration of Independence a fundamental cornerstone of our culture and society.

When I consider the words above, especially in the context of the culture war being waged when it comes to equal rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people I can’t help but come to the realization that many of my countrymen have never fully digested the words above.  If the majority truly believed that all people are created equal, by their creator, then the majority would gladly bestow equal rights on all the people of this great nation.

I must draw the conclusion that many people in our society, by their actions, by their attitudes and by their behaviors view me as less than equal and less than a full man because of what I am.  There is still a long festering belief that I somehow chose to be what I am, that I made some sort of conscious decision to be what I am.  It’s true I did make a decision; that decision was not to be what I am, but rather not to live in secret and in shame.  My decision was to be true to myself.
I have to wonder about friends and family members who support politicians, pundits and businesses that openly and freely advocate discrimination against me.  I would hope that if the shoe were on the other foot that I would not behave in such a way.  I would hope that at all costs, that I would support, defend, nurture and advocate for any friend or family member who I perceived to be under the heel of repression.  Sadly, this isn’t the case.

Sarah Palin, grandma extra-ordinaire

This is obviously a statement about traditional marriage.  Well ok, perhaps they should explain that to their daughter and illegitimate grandson.

Sunday, July 29, 2012



In our world of social media we can post whatever we’re thinking and feeling from the safe confines of our home sanctuary.  We can post without a thought as to how our feelings; religious, social, moral, political and economic might affect those with whom we’ve formed a relationship or bond.  This is sad and unfortunate.

These postings especially those of narrow minded antiquated religious conviction can be so damaging and hurtful.  Now I know those making the posting will claim that they do so out of “love” to save those not in belief alignment from eternal damnation and the flames of hell. That may or may not be true; but that is NOT the point.  The point is; one is free to have one’s personal beliefs and opinions but it really is a violation of societal codes to discuss them openly and in a Facebook or Twitter posting.

As a gay man and one so often the target of such postings in the last week I’ve been compelled to unfriend not only people who I thought were friends but blood family members, my brother,  who through their postings have demonstrated a complete lack of love, kindness or respect for me.    Do I care?  Of course I do. 

I’ve tried for many years to engage and similarly to convince myself that I don’t care and that to no avail.  I’ve tried to overlook the yard signs and the bumper stickers, ramblings and postings; I’ve tried to find common ground where a relationship could be maintained and I’ve failed.  The estrangement, silence and now overt hostility have created too wide a chasm and I don’t see the ice melting or the ground moving closer so I’m done trying.

Friday, July 27, 2012


According to enrichment journal on the divorce rate in America:
The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%
Until proponents of "traditional marriage" get their house in order and fix the divorce rate at epidemic rates among their compatriots, I'd dare say they don't have a chiken leg to stand on.

Why I'd venture to say that someone sleeping on the sofa might have multiple marriages and out of wed-lock children all over the chiken coop.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Nuff said///

This man
Chose this woman as his running mate for vice president over
This man, Mitt Romney.

Nuff said.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Until gun owners can figure it out...

In my opinion it is the burden of gun owners and gun ownership advocates to work to make sure that these horrible slaughters stop. I'm of the attitude, ok if you want to own guns that's fine but you find a way to make it safe and sane and if you can't well then the shame and guilt is on you. Until we have some sort of rational system for keeping weapons of mass destruction and terror out of the hands of the insane, criminally insane, anti-social and psychopathic I shall remain...anti-gun.

Friday, July 20, 2012

OK gun me on this one

One of the clarion calls of gun lovers is..."We need our guns to protect ourselves in the event of mayhem."

OK, I get that but....

14 shot dead at 'Dark Knight Rises' screening in Aurora, Colorado

Early reports are not whispering a word about armed citizens in the theater rising to the occasion to do battle with the assailant. Thankfully this is the case given statistics regarding outcomes when gun battles erupt between heavily armed people.
Sarcasm aside, dear Lord God in heaven comfort and heal those hurt in this tragedy, touch and comfort their families and friends and lead us in your ways. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Chow Down Chik Fil A

This is why I love drag queens.

Truth with humor!

Facism in America

I've been taking an inventory.  You see many folk are stating that this country is headed straight into a fascist state, ironically most of the folks saying this are on the right.  Perhaps they should read up on what Fascism is. It certainly ain't liberal, that would be um, Communism. Any how, I digress, what are a few facts among friends right?

Those that believe this stuff say that the current president is taking away all their rights. 

So, my inventory?  I've been trying to find one right that I had four years ago that I don't have today. I'm looking for one, just one ity, bity right that I no longer have. My answer none, I can't find any.

That's a big ole...

Yep that's right, I still have all of my rights do you; all safely safe guarded by the constitution that the president swore to uphold with his hand on a...Bible! 
Sadly if you buy into the 24 hour news blather on Faux News that we're headed for Fascism, well then you buy into the blather which isn't news but lies and fear mongering.

Oh Ann Romney, poor, poor Ann Romney

Ann Romney
Ann Romney July 19, 2012
"For the first time in the history of this country, people are saying to me, my children are not going to be better off than I am. That is not the way it's supposed to be in America. We have got to do something about that," Ann Romney said to the crowd.

How very true Ann, how very true.  Our children will not be better off because selfish, self- centered, self-serving rich people like you and your husband have hidden your money off shore and have FAILED to pay your fair share in taxes.

If you have nothing to hide, you'd release all of your tax records.  

No more CHIKEN for me

Chik Fil A has spent millions of dollars promoting discrimination against GTBL peoples.  Such is their right.  Well it is my right to BOYCOTT them and encourage everyone who I know and who CARES about me to do the same.

I realize that some minds will never be changed. I accept that, but that said, I will not spend my money on their products.