
Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Christmas visit with Kay Willis

Kay Willis is an acquaintance of my parents. She is the epitome of what is wrong with North Carolina, some self professed Christians and in the greater society. Until yesterday my interactions with this very narrow minded, ignorant and dangerous woman were cordial and pleasant. That all changed on Christmas Day. I will not put myself in her company again.

In one of her many ramblings during her two hour visit; Kay Willis was speaking of a relation of hers. I'll call the fellow Jim and the fact that Jim was sexually abused by his uncle as a child. Kay said, "He [the uncle] turned Jim into a faggot."

There is so much wrong with that statement but I'm not going to preach those points to the choir.

This statement was made at the lunch time table in the middle of a meal. The circumstance left me in a dilemma; confrontation, flight or nothing? I did lift a silent and short prayer. I was lead to a place of calm peace and remained at the table listening to this horribly hurt woman continue to talk. The phrase, hurt people hurt kept resonating in my head. After Kay left my father sought me out and we had a genuine and warm conversation. It was one of the nicest, kindest and sweetest things this man has ever done and he's done a lot of nice things.

So, why did I react the way I did? Firstly, my folks have to live here in Carteret County and interact with people like Kay on a daily basis, she is related to everyone in the small hamlet in which they reside. Secondly, in all likelihood I deal with people like Kay everyday but those people are surreptitious and therefore I am oblivious to how they feel. Thirdly, nothing that I would have said to this woman would have changed her opinion; she showed me who and what she was and now I know.

Kay is the archetype for  the gap in our society between kind and enlightened people and those who are marginalized by poverty, comfortable ignorance, lack of education,  a lack of drive to better self and a belief that minor and obscure verses in  their Bible speak definitively on all topics. In the end, I don't feel anger or anguish. I feel some disgust but mostly pity for Kay, people like her and those who she has damaged with her behavior and beliefs.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Duck Dynasty and all the wing nuts

Duck Dynasty and all the other wing nuts

The problem is that there is still a wide held believe that GLBT people choose their attraction and are therefore responsible for their attractions; that the decision is a conscious one. Ok, I’ll go for that, as soon as…each and every single person who holds that opinion has an open, honest and public conversation regarding the time, place and circumstances under which they decided to be a heterosexual person. That they further outline how hard they tried to reprogram their attractions and to change what they are.

I’ll wait.

Monday, December 9, 2013

God and the classroom

They’ve taken God out of the classroom

The Christian fundamentalist ilk routinely claim that they’ve withdrawn their children from the public education system the cause “they,” whoever “they” are, have taken and God out of the classroom.  This is just a convenient excuse for those who don’t like what they see happening in the American education system to take up their marbles and go home and play alone.  I think more often than not the motives are xenophobic, racist or classist. 

Taking God of the classroom or the school is like trying to take God it out of a foxhole.  When I think back to my childhood and my experiences in the school system, I prayed to God every day.  In fourth grade I prayed that God would wake me up from the nightmare that was my fourth grade teacher Mrs. Scott.  This is a woman who had no business being around small children, she was cruel, demanding, authoritarian and loud.  I got through it though and my experience with Mrs. Scott taught me how to deal with loud, authoritarian and cruel people and that sometimes, like in a foxhole you keep your head down.

When I was in middle school and had to deal with the boys in the locker room, God was with me as well.  I’m here aren’t I?  PE class in the middle school was the first time that I experienced an entire grade level of some 150 boys coming together at one time to change clothes in a moderately  supervised environment.  I became acutely aware of who the predators were and who I should stick with as part of the safety herd.  This was a valuable lesson for later in life.  There was constant prayer during that experience, and God was indeed present in the public school locker room. Years later I’d become aware of lesser gods in the boys locker room. That topic is for another musing.

Throughout my public school career every quiz, test, assignment and big project required that prayers be lifted to God.  Those prayers asked for wisdom, discernment, encouragement and perseverance.  God had me in an environment where I would meet many different people, with many different ideas, with many different backgrounds and I’d have to learn how to cope with them in that venue.  This lesson prepared me to cope with them in the greater world too.  Funny, even in NJ, no one took God out of my school experience.

I believe that many who home school do so because it is the easy way out.  It is easy to collect up one’s children and shepherd them away to a safe same thinking environment.  That action at its heart is intellectual malpractice, why in a democratic republic it might even be treason.  Those actions are also very dangerous to maintaining a  democracy, the ideals of Franklin, Jefferson and Adams require enlightenment.  It is also a complete for twisting and perversion of the Gospel.  These people should read the Gospel of John chapter three vs. 16 and…17.  Verse 17 is very clear Jesus as God did not come into the world to condemn it but to save it.  How in heaven’s name can we save the world as disciples if we hide and ourselves away from that world? Simple answer, we can’t.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

I hope that one day I can be brave.

I hope that one day I can be brave

As I realize that I’m in the last half of my life; I also realize that there are people around me day to day who are happy to work with me, collect monies from me, get great jobs because of me and break bread with me, but who, when it came time, to defend me…didn’t.  These friends, coworkers and acquaintances voted to pass an amendment in North Carolina making it a matter of state constitution for same sex couples to be denied the right to marry. They codified discrimination in the 21st century, what great friends these are!

After John’s death and the disaster that was my relationship with Chris, I’m pretty sure that I’m never gonna get married again.  There are no prospects currently and the horizon is looking a lot like the Sahara desert.  Still, should one day I find someone that I love, maybe I’d want to get married.  I view it all as a matter of respect and right. 

My worry is in how I do I handle how I feel?  If I fly off the handle, get in folks faces and behave as a homo radical, it’ll be impossible to change attitudes.  I imagine that this feels a lot like racism.  The attitudes I'm up against are so covert, closeted if you will, they are impossible to parse out.   Perhaps now I understand why many of my black friends say, that they would rather have an in your face a racist as opposed to a closet racist.  When someone is in your face at least you know where they are coming from and what to expect.

I am faced with a paradox. My Christian beliefs teach me that I should love my enemies.  My heart tells me that I should hate them.  I don’t speak with my brother and his wife because of the way they openly profess how they feel about gay marriage.  They put bumper stickers on their car and signs in their yard for crying out loud.  EVEN WHEN I USED TO VISIT AND THEY KNEW I WAS COMING!  I appreciate these actions because it lets me know exactly where they stand.  Now I give them a very wide berth. 

I keep coming back to this question; how do I deal with those folks who don't put the bumper sticker on their car or sign in the yard? I know that each day that there are people in my life that feel exactly as my brother and his wife do, they however remain hidden from public view.  These people disguise their feelings with a smile on their face but would stick a knife in my back while standing in the anonymity of the voting booth, metaphorically speaking of course.

My question to myself is; why am I playing nice?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

President Obama, not the risen God but not the anti Christ either.

Obamacare/ Obama Accomplishments

The downside of social media is that people can spout off opinion, hyperbole, rants, raves, and kudos and even sometimes lies with limited repercussion or consequence. One can unfriend them from one's social network or one can block their posts.  I do a little of both.  I tend NOT to engage on Facebook or Twitter because hiding behind a keyboard and a computer screen can indeed make one brave.

A fellow who I went to high school with is one of these folks. He clucks a constant tirade; he hates president Obama and the president’s policies. His latest drumbeat the medical insurance mandate. He states that he shouldn’t have to buy something that he doesn’t want.  Ok, I get that and to that I say:  I don’ want to pay for the care of folks too lazy, entrenched, cheap or dogmatic; who don’t want to purchase health insurance.  I know that those people are going to cost me and our health care system a whole lot more money by flying without a safety net. So get over it, and do the morally right thing.  And while were at it...think about this...
1.    Do you want a state of the art health care system?
2.    Do you want an accessible health care system?
3.    Do you want an inexpensive health care system?
You can only make one choice...1!  Anyway...moving on.

This social media fellow thinks that Obama has done nothing good, he thinks that the president is one of the Apocalypse' four horsemen. To that I say and site, Washington Monthly Online, March/April 2012

President Obama passed health care reform; after five previous presidents failed, president Obama has now passed a law that will insure 32 million uninsured Americans.  President Obama recognized as so many before him that health care cost growth is the number one cause of this nation’s long term financial problems.

Passed $787 billion dollars in economic stimulus, this after inheriting a destroyed economy from president G.W. Bush.  An economy that left to its own peril would have destroyed for a time the economy of the entire planet. The great depression of the 1930’s would have looked like a tea party by comparison. That pun directed at the far right is oh so intended. J

President Obama passed Wall Street reform to regulate those responsible for the financial disaster, again inherited from former president G.W. Bush.

President Obama ended the war in Iraq, which cost this country according to the Washington Post, somewhere between $4 to $6 trillion dollars. Perhaps my Facebook friend should think about what kind of health care insurance that kind of coin could buy for the American people. He should also think about the value we the people got for our investment in Iraq. Let’s do a cost benefit analysis on that one? I bet one column would be near empty and it wouldn't be the cost.

President Obama began drawdown to end the war in Afghanistan.  Again a costly folly that perhaps could have been executed with a scalpel instead of a sledge hammer.

President Obama had Osama Bin Laden killed.  I’m not sure killing anyone should ever be called an accomplishment. I’m sure none of us needs reminding of September 11, but if you do, here’s a link.

President Obama helped save the American auto industry.  Click the link to see the employment numbers.

President Obama recapitalized the banks, otherwise we’d still be in an economic depression, thanks to the folly of  G.W. Bush.

He repealed don’t ask don’t tell; finally allowing citizens like me to serve this nation in our armed forces in an open and affirming manner.

He helped topple Moammar Gaddafi, you know, the dude responsible for blowing up Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. Remember that act of terrorism or war that killed 270 people at Christmas time.

President Obama, two days after taking office nullified G.W. Bush era policies that allowed torture of those detained by our military and government. He made us better than our enemies who torture. It is always better to do as we do and say. Actions and words should always sync.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Concealed Guns and the North Carolinataliban aka General Assembly


In North Carolinatalibanistan the mental midgets in the general assembly have pushed back against towns that have passed strict concealed carry laws for guns.  The towns in the interest of their citizens now must bow to state control and their local ordinances must jive with state law when it comes to weapons of mass destruction namely: the American handgun, rifle and assault weapon.

The socially corrupt gun apologists on the right also known as the rabid second amendment gun lobby, insist that concealed weapons reduce crime, to that I site the Washington Post….12/17/2012

National Research Council of the National Academies devoted a chapter in a report titled “Firearms and Violence: A Critical Review” examining Lott’s research. The report concluded:

No link between right-to-carry laws and changes in crime is apparent in the raw data, even in the initial sample; it is only once numerous covariates are included that the negative results in the early data emerge. While the trend models show a reduction in the crime growth rate following the adoption of right-to-carry laws, these trend reductions occur long after law adoption, casting serious doubt on the proposition that the trend models estimated in the literature reflect effects of the law change. Finally, some of the point estimates are imprecise. Thus, the committee concludes that with the current evidence it is not possible to determine that there is a causal link between the passage of right-to-carry laws and crime rates.

So nuff said on that. A whole lot of mish mash to say…NO causal link between the right to carry and reduced crime.  This right wing argument is so much like their climate change rants…they cow and crow that because they don’t like the science  they then refuse to  believe the science.

Finally, I refused to be lectured by those on the right and those in the gun lobby that they should be painted as victims in this argument because they feel as if their rights are being abridged.

So I site the following:

Sandy Hook Elementary, three semi-automatic guns used, gun owner killed by her gun and her child. Her guns legally owned fell into the hands of a lunatic because she didn’t have a sense of moral decency to rid her home of these horrid tools.  Sadly, Nancy Lanza knew her son was nuts. But the gun toting genie was out of the bottle and twenty six teachers and children shot dead in less than fifteen minutes. In my opinion, the first victim, Nancy Lanza, guilty of accessory to murder and to that she was sentenced to death prior to the crime. And worst of all, her death sentence was carried out by her child. 

At Virginia Tech, Seung Hui Cho, described by ABC News as insane/mentally ill buys two guns legally, passes background checks and in fifteen minutes shoots fifty six and kills thirty two. The internet gun sellers are NEVER held to account for their accessory to murder in the sale of those weapons. Neither is the NRA which works tirelessly to weaken gun control laws.  Interestingly, Virginia Tech has been sued because of the actions of Cho the lunatic.  Yet I can find no evidence that Eric Thompson president of TGSCOM, a company now closed that ran fifty websites that sell guns and sold Cho the Walther P22 used in commission of his murderous rampage has ever, EVER been held to any account for his culpability in dropping a weapon of mass destruction into the hands of a nut.  Yet there is some justice…. And Eric Thompson isn’t an innocent, he’s a fraud and a huckster.

So my point…it is morally bankrupt for the State of North Carolina in a fit of right wing hysteria to assert its rights on municipalities that are interested in protecting their citizens by enacting strict conceal carry laws. Secondly I site that a well-armed citizenry in Virginia and Connecticut and across this country is unable to prevent local holocausts while toting concealed weapons. No gun toting buckaroo stopped Adam Lanza or Seung Hui Cho or the 11,078 gun murders  committed in 2010 alone.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Well I really don't know...

Well I really don’t know…

Perhaps it was the fact that my forty ninth birthday had just passed. That I have had the realization that this party called life is beyond halfway over and that the slow slide to the finish line, really isn’t slow at all.  Maybe it was the realization that Thanksgiving and November 28th marks what would have been Nana’s one hundred and second birthday and she’s been gone two months.  Then again, December 1 was World AIDS Day and thirty one tragic years have passed since this killer was named.

Whatever it was; yesterday left me emotional and weepy. It didn’t help that I watched a good portion of Angels in America; a movie that to this day instills abject terror in me. The story has so many threads that weave indelible scars throughout my life’s story. I have lived the story.  I have faced that terror. I still face those terrors.

You see, John, my John didn’t die of brain cancer. Well actually he did, but the underlying cause was AIDS. Wow, I’ve said it. John has been dead for nearly fourteen years. I held him as he died and he died of AIDS. There, now I’ve said it, twice. It’s time for me to come out of the closet again and face this reality head on. There is so much to do and I feel as if I need a cause. I need to step up and step out because until people like I do; this madness will continue.