
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Guns are not the problem"

True, guns are not the problem, that is, the entire problem but, they are a huge part of the problem.  Additionally, and in the wake of the carnage and wreckage and destroyed lives in Newtown, Ct.; why would a seemingly rational and kind person publish something such as above?
One act of horror, Oklahoma City does not forgive, exclude or mitigate the horror, terror and destruction of another act of mass murder.  Each in its own right exposes a fundamental flaw in the fabric of our society and our culture.  To think that a man, any man would disarm his mother, turn her guns against her and then rampage killing 25 more and then in one final act of rage kill himself is unfathomable. Yet in our culture, or society it happens over and over and over again.
Oh gun rights advocates will cluck that the second amendment blah, blah, blah and yes true, it does say that but, the founding fathers were thinking about single shot, cumbersome muskets not automatic weapons of mass destruction that would wipe away countess in a few minutes. One can only imagine how Washington, Madison, Jefferson and Adams would react to the world since Columbine. Perhaps it's time for Americans, all Americans who are thoughtful and rational to step back from this craziness and think about a solution to this problem. Clearly what we're doing now IS NOT WORKING.

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