Ecclesiastes 7:9 Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.
What a fantastic and timely verse for me. The last three weeks, nay three years have truly tested my patience and my control. Thankfully there are many sages around me who have reminded me nicely to step back and think before acting, talking or typing; which I have learned to do. It is easy to become agitated when one close to you forces you to rip apart a business that one has poured your blood, sweat and tears into. Of course it is also easy to get a little terse when a confidant becomes a maker of mountains out of mice nuts.
So truly, anger does reside in the lap of fools. A fool is one who is quick to respond to provocation especially when that kind of action is contrary to core philosophies. My core philosophies happen to center on taking care of others first. I try to practice the law of three; which in my mind means God first, others second and self third. The law of three is most difficult when confronted by an irrational, angry and fundamentally damaged person.
With this in mind, my meditation for the week will be this verse from Ecclesiastes, it is timeless and true and worth living by. I knew when this change in my business came that I’d be the one that would have to figure out how it would happen. What I didn’t count on was the fact that every time I make a move thwarting road blocks are thrown up; which is a true test of patience. I’m in a constant quandary as to how to move or act because everything that I do is construed at intentional, when in fact none of it is.
So in dealing with all of this I look to the Psalm; Be still and know that I am God. That helps.
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