
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Guns are not the problem"

True, guns are not the problem, that is, the entire problem but, they are a huge part of the problem.  Additionally, and in the wake of the carnage and wreckage and destroyed lives in Newtown, Ct.; why would a seemingly rational and kind person publish something such as above?
One act of horror, Oklahoma City does not forgive, exclude or mitigate the horror, terror and destruction of another act of mass murder.  Each in its own right exposes a fundamental flaw in the fabric of our society and our culture.  To think that a man, any man would disarm his mother, turn her guns against her and then rampage killing 25 more and then in one final act of rage kill himself is unfathomable. Yet in our culture, or society it happens over and over and over again.
Oh gun rights advocates will cluck that the second amendment blah, blah, blah and yes true, it does say that but, the founding fathers were thinking about single shot, cumbersome muskets not automatic weapons of mass destruction that would wipe away countess in a few minutes. One can only imagine how Washington, Madison, Jefferson and Adams would react to the world since Columbine. Perhaps it's time for Americans, all Americans who are thoughtful and rational to step back from this craziness and think about a solution to this problem. Clearly what we're doing now IS NOT WORKING.

Friday, December 7, 2012



The owner of a Durham restaurant was found shot to death in the eatery's parking lot late Thursday, police said.
Sad, sad, sad and sad.  Then I posted on GOLO a response to some nut's rank about being pro gun and if the shop keep had had a gun then...blah, blah, blah...
(I'm amazed at how a tragic crime like this can trigger an emotional and political rant about gun rights, when a gun was used to kill this man. There are enough guns in the hands of Americans to arm each and every one of us and yet gun ownership advocates still want more gun ownership. Clearly this policy isn't working. So I'll put it this way to SmokeWagon and the rest of his ilk, it is time for a different solution and until you come up with something that works...I shall remain anti gun.)
Notice nothing, not a word saying I wanted to take away anyone's guns.
From working human
("" Please don't align all gun owners with the likes of Smokewagon. I come from a family of responsible gun owners...hunters & competitors. It's the cowardly, worthless pieces of bone & carcass that would gun down another human being in cold blood. Not all gun owners are so devoid of empathy, morals and consideration of their fellow human beings. We have gun laws that are not currently enforced that absolutely should be. I personally feel gun shows and kitchen table sellers should be outlawed as you are able to skirt laws in place to keep guns out of the hands of convicted felons, and the mentally disturbed.

What a senseless tragedy. My thoughts and prayers go out to this man's family and loved ones. I hope they catch this coward that murdered this man as soon as humanly possible.)
Ok, logical.
(amenmike, you are more than welcome to remain anti-gun but don't try to take my rights away!! Just because you believe something is wrong doesn't make you right. There are bad people out there and they have the illegal guns. Mine is registered! Something needs to be done about the illegal guns and gangs!!)
And we're swimming in a sea of crazy.
Of course then I throw gas on the fire...
Goalieman et al, the ball is in your court, you want your guns, then fix the problem. Until you do, I will indeed work to take away your right and eveyone else' right to own guns.
From pauley
("I'm amazed at how a tragic crime like this can trigger an emotional and political rant about gun rights, when a gun was used to kill this man. There are enough guns in the hands of Americans to arm each and every one of us and yet gun ownership advocates still want more gun ownership." --amenmike)

Are you advocating that Americans give up their rights to guns entirely? If so, I'd argue that there would still be guns and the only ones with guns would be these criminals.

Gun control laws are reasonable. People who with a violent criminal history should not have them. That said, criminals with non-violent offenses (even felonies) should not be excluded. Fail to pay taxes or license a business and lose gun rights?

The root problem is not guns. It is people who are so cold that they would even think of using a gun. We need to fix the people in this country. Many are morally bankrupt.)
Still on the balance beam.
From NCSUEngineerFC

("Goalieman et al, the ball is in your court, you want your guns, then fix the problem. Until you do, I will indeed work to take away your right and eveyone else' right to own guns." - amenmike

Wow, that's quite an attitude to have. Just dump the problem off on the other side of the aisle. You do know that law-abiding citizens have the right to bear arms according to the 2nd amendment, right? I'm hoping you do.)
Here NCSUEngineerFC assumes I haven't read the Constitution.
Then per nctorwart
(Amenmike: if you don't like the constitution then leave.)
It's not that I don't like the Constitution.  What I don't like is what handguns do to innocent shop keepers etc. who are simply going about their business. NCtowart employs that simple confuse and difuse tactic; I have no logical response so I'll attack.
Then carlostheass, who just well might be a huge one, pipes in
(Goalieman et al, the ball is in your court, you want your guns, then fix the problem. Until you do, I will indeed work to take away your right and eveyone else' right to own guns." --amenmike

People also drown people. I don't see you working to ban water. Are you on a thirst strike? Water is evil because it drowns people, as guns are evil because they cause massive tissue trauma, right? No more water for you until you fix the problem of people drowning people.)
His sense of logic is to say the least LACKING. Again, water is a naturally occuring substance and not, NOT created to kill.  
Then samdutes says this
(Until you do, I will indeed work to take away your right and eveyone else' right to own guns. --amenmike

So, what are you doing to take away peoples cars......folks break the law every day and kill people in cars.....just sayin')
Um, no Sam, cars are manufactered for moving people around not killing. If we were to use Sam's logic we'd have to outlaw knives, baseball bats, lead pipes...all objects made for a non-lethal reason but perverted sometimes for lethal purposes.  Guns are made to do one thing, kill.
By the way, go to google, and type in guns and see what happens.