
Sunday, July 29, 2012



In our world of social media we can post whatever we’re thinking and feeling from the safe confines of our home sanctuary.  We can post without a thought as to how our feelings; religious, social, moral, political and economic might affect those with whom we’ve formed a relationship or bond.  This is sad and unfortunate.

These postings especially those of narrow minded antiquated religious conviction can be so damaging and hurtful.  Now I know those making the posting will claim that they do so out of “love” to save those not in belief alignment from eternal damnation and the flames of hell. That may or may not be true; but that is NOT the point.  The point is; one is free to have one’s personal beliefs and opinions but it really is a violation of societal codes to discuss them openly and in a Facebook or Twitter posting.

As a gay man and one so often the target of such postings in the last week I’ve been compelled to unfriend not only people who I thought were friends but blood family members, my brother,  who through their postings have demonstrated a complete lack of love, kindness or respect for me.    Do I care?  Of course I do. 

I’ve tried for many years to engage and similarly to convince myself that I don’t care and that to no avail.  I’ve tried to overlook the yard signs and the bumper stickers, ramblings and postings; I’ve tried to find common ground where a relationship could be maintained and I’ve failed.  The estrangement, silence and now overt hostility have created too wide a chasm and I don’t see the ice melting or the ground moving closer so I’m done trying.

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