
Sunday, October 9, 2011

God in Everyone

God so loved the world that he sent his son. God sent his son, part of Himself, Himself to die on a cross so that all of us could know love. Honestly, I sometimes find very hard to love humanity. I find it very difficult to see past peoples foibles, failings, meanness, rudeness and selfishness to love them all the time,
any of the time.

Realize that I am often very hard to love. Isn't that the key? When we look at others and we see their failings isn't it like looking in a mirror and seeing our own? When God sent Jesus he did so because he was radically in love with us, he couldn't stand to be without us. He knew without some radical action that humanity would end up separate from God forever.

The living God in his love and glory could no longer face the agony of being apart from his children. Something radical was needed. That's something was a sacrifice, the sacrifice of himself on the cross at Calvary.

In examining that sacrifice and how much it meant to humanity, then why can't I see beyond my own failings, and the failings of others? God can see past my feet of clay, God can see past my pettiness, God can see past my foolishness, God can see past my self-righteousness and He still loves me. God still loves me when I lose my temper, God still loves me when I don't love myself.

So what can I do? Perhaps I'll pray a little harder, perhaps I'll think a little longer before I speak, perhaps I'll step back when I feel myself getting angry and maybe that's all I should do.

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