Advent is upon us and it is one of my favorite seasons. In reading some blogs today on the subject; it is clear to me that the subject can be a bit touchy. Why would any follower of Christ get twisted over decorations on the town square, in stores or anywhere else in the world during this season? Why would they get twisted over the term "holiday tree" as opposed to Christmas Tree?
You see, here's where I go to the authority on the matter. The Bible and in it there is no Nativity scene as we know it from our modern displays. Human kind has made that up. There certainly is no decorated pine tree with glittering lights and sparkling bulbs, we made that up too as a symbol of the holiday. Truly I am at a loss to find inflatable Santas or Santas in any fashion and the Grinch is missing in action too; just not found in the Bible.
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with any or all of those display items, the trees, the Santas, the Grinches, the Nativity scenes, I love them all. My point is there is no Biblical basis and since that is lacking then this really isn't an attack on Christian thought when some object to the displays.
As a matter of fact and a matter of good taste, it might not be too much of a stretch if Christians opposed the all out, put up as much as you can for as long as you can, tacky consumerism that the Christmas holiday season has become. All too often I think that we followers forget that this season is about God's gift to all of humanity sent for rebirth, redemption and salvation.
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