
Friday, August 14, 2009

Healthcare wackiness

Wow the healthcare debate has set this country on fire and the fuel, lies, just plain lies.

Lie number one, President Obama is going to euthanize your grandmother. First off take a look at the bare bones truth. This man, President Obama wants to better people’s life by opening insurance coverage and health care to all Americans, therefore it is illogical, silly, stupid and just plain mean to charge that this man wants to kill people. This is smoke and mirrors at its best. Detract from this issue to get folks off base and off target.

Lie number two; the Democrats are going to outlaw private insurance companies. Um, if this is true why hasn’t there been an outcry from private insurance companies…after all if they are being driven from business wouldn’t they be screaming the loudest, rather the wacko far right?

Lie number three; President Obama wants to implement Soviet style medical rationing. Truth be known, that’s what we have right now. If you’re poor, under employed, unemployed, old, disabled well your rationed. If you’re employed and insured, you’re rationed. Light bulb folks, you are ALWAYS, ALWAYS going to be rationed on some level. Face it though, the current system is broken and needs fixing. So let’s get with it and try something NEW.

Luke 6:31 (Today's New International Version)
31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

So I’ll go to the good book and Luke. If you have insurance and are well covered, try turning this whole thing around and pretend just for a minute that you’re aren’t covered, you can’t pay for medicine and perhaps you’ve put yourself at the mercy of participating in a clinical drug trial to keep yourself alive. How would you feel if you saw your fellow citizens reacting the way that they are over reforming a very broken and unfair system? Stand where I’ve been for a few minutes, uncovered and flying without a net. I didn’t do this because I wanted to, I could not get insurance. I took a well calculated risk that I wouldn’t be in an accident, or hurt or come down with a dread disease. In fact even though I am “covered” today I am still in a risky situation. If I am diagnosed with something dread, the twenty percent that I will have to pay out of pocket will leave me penniless. I’ve already decided on some level that depending on prognosis I won’t fight the unknown what ifs. This is partially my decision and partially a systemic decision.

So folks, let’s get real. Step back from the rhetoric and divisive lies, turn off the talking heads, turn it over and look at it realistically. Then once you’ve done that then we can have an honest LOGICAL debate.

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