Ephesians 2:4-5(New International Version)
4But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.
One of the hardest things for me to be mindful of, and I’ll admit that this is strange as a self professed “evangelical;” is the gift of Christ the Messiah. I get God and his infinite power, good, love and creativity. I get Christ the Messiah but sometimes I have a difficult time connecting that God is Christ incarnate and sent to Earth do minister, suffer, die and resurrect to save human kind from itself.
Typically my daily prayers are made to God because for some reason I can get my arms around the nebulous concept of a formless, faceless omnipotent and powerful God. On some visceral level I understand God but I tend to fall apart on the duality of God and Christ the Messiah. I think it’s a matter of ok, so God sent Christ, himself to Earth, to minister and shepherd human kind, but who was in control in Heaven or the realm of God. Yes, I know everything is God’s realm; but you know what I mean? Don’t you?
I guess maybe I need to dissect it this way. God is everywhere and even though for a fleeting second in his reality he occupied the human body that was the Christ, the Messiah, he was and is everywhere at the same time. God knew who would follow Christ, who would attend his sermons, who would seek him out for healing, who would be born, who would die. He so infinitely knows all that he could see and foresee all of this mapped out into the future. God actually created the map and the plan. So with all of that down I can wrap myself around the duality of Christ and God and the Trinity of God, Christ and Spirit. One triune God fully God and fully human and fully spirit at the same time whose sole purpose to reconcile God to human kind.
That is the grace of God.
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