"Gunman somewhat erratic" is a direct quote from the Chicago Sun Times regarding the mayhem in Illinois. You think? I'm thinking that the Sun Times could perhaps elaborate on how erratic our society is. Somewhat erratic is not hiding behind a curtain in a university lecture hall and then popping out and gunning down innocent people. That is both oars out of the water nuts. That is not only falling through a society's saftey net, if there were one, but using a knife to make the holes larger and wearing leg weights to fall faster.
This is the failure of the society's government, health care system, families, churches and schools. What the Chicago Sun Times needs to talk about is a back to basics care for one another. We need to remember prior to the Reagan Revolution when the mentally ill were housed in institutions and not on the streets. Personally, I'd like to see some of the hundreds of billions of dollars that we've wasted in Iraq put to this use, but that is money long gone.
I'd like to hear teachers and preachers telling folks that they are cared for and loved and joyously and wonderously made and completely unworthy of such senseless and horrible acts. I'd love to see people in this country reach out and across color, ethnic and socio-economic lines and care for their neighbors and community members. Perhaps, just perhaps if we would do a little more of this kind of caring then we wouldn't have full prisons and "somewhat erratic" gunmen in universities killing innocent students and teachers.
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