
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Amendment One

The death of amendment one in North Carolina

There is howling on the right, North Carolina's Amendment One, banning same sex marriage is dead, overturned. Some of the howling is that 61% of the populations will, those who voted in favor, has been discounted. That 61% number is plain wrong; nowhere near that number of residents in North Carolina voted for amendment one, however the fact that anyone voted for it is disturbing. 

Those on the right are angry and perhaps hurt. Their hurt while misguided and unjustified cannot compare to a lifetime of marginalization that my community has endured. I remember vividly the day amendment one passed and the excruciating agony that I felt in the realization that people who I knew, loved, trusted might have voted in a manner to hurt me. Many people who voted for the amendment believe that GLBT people somehow choose to be what they are. Its no more a choice than skin color, hair color or gender but even if it is a choice; it is a personal one, and the majority has no right, according to the US Constitution to abridge that right or choice. 

So today, I feel better knowing that it's over for marriage inequality. For me though its too late. My partner died fourteen years ago and because we weren't married, because it wasn't legal, the financial ramifications on top of the heart break were very devastating. The fact that John's family felt that they could bully me, and did, though we were well prepared legally for his death, made our relationship and partnership less valid. Being able to marry would have added civil validity to our cause.  So today I'm happy knowing that in North Carolina a same sex couple will never again have to face what I faced. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Nothing better to do

With Ebola breaking out at catastrophic levels, the middle east devolving into World War Three, an economy in major trouble and a plethora of domestic problems; the douche bag on the left Sean Hannity and the war criminal on the right Carl Rove have nothing better to do than talk about a salute.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

This would have been vice president of the USA

Middle finger and birthday party brawl and all...
Sarah Palin former Governor of Alaska and Vice Presidential hopeful (middle finger and all)

Not even half of generation out of a single wide. 

Facebook Friends

Social media, social media friends

What happened to you? Did I make you mad?  We were Facebook friends and now we’re not.

To be friends with someone, there has to be mutual respect and open and honest communication. Friendship isn't something that was casual but pleasant many years ago and then turned into a few meals out. That’s acquaintanceship I think.  Additionally, real estate is my businesses so don’t quiz me on the market and then turn around and almost immediately and hire another agent to work for you.  Ask the person that you’re going to hire your questions and share with them your worries and anxieties.  Such ended the virtual and casual ‘friendship’ of Shrub family, really!

I know that I’ve been guilty of taking the “Facebook” thing too far. At the outset; why I friended everyone that I’d ever had a nodding acquaintance with or even so much as heard their name in high school, college or professionally.  It didn't matter if I didn't know them; or like them; or respect them or in some cases of Facebook friendship really admire them.  In the past few years though, I have culled the “Friendships” such that they were.  The varieties of reactions have been interesting. This includes family too.

Steve Hips, an uber-conservative with that annoying bend that he is convinced that he and his kind are the only people going to heaven was one such friend.  This until the Hipster; (not his real name) decided that he had complete and accurate insight as to his hero and modern day messiah, Ronald Reagan. When I was nauseated enough by Stevereno’s posts on Facebook, I deleted him; after of course launching some philosophical hand grenades. Oh it felt good.  Kind of like a virtual orgasm, total release and freedom. Unfortunately, the Hipster felt compelled to then text me until I threatened police intervention.  Stevereno didn't respect me enough to just let me go away, he had to peck, peck, peck a bit more until I was totally pissed off.

As for family, well if you've been following me, I've laid it all out here. Anyhow, here’s the rub, virtual ‘friends’ are not. They are people with whom perhaps there was a brief dalliance or commonality. To trust anyone except the closest intimates with the most trivial and banal of day to day life is just, well, silly now isn't it? The irony of what I do here is not lost on me by the way!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Global Travels of a Lunatic

Everyone deserves a vacation, especially a good mother, a mother of so many who is trapped at home day in and day out, with lessons to prep and teach and bickering and so many petty squabbles.  Was it any wonder that when eldest daughter was invited east to the Orient that one wouldn't just jump at the chance to claw out of these hills and go?  Besides, who better to keep an eye on that daughter than her mommy? Certainly a seventeen year old can’t be trusted to go off on her own; what with her hormones raging and boys being what they are, always hunting, looking, hoping and preying. Well, you know.

Plus, it’s really a free trip; we’d have a place to stay; with church people no less; missionaries doing God’s good work. Certainly they’ll take care of room and board; so really only airfare is required and how much could a ticket to the Orient really cost?  It will be well worth the price.  Yes indeed, well worth the price given the endless days of fighting over history, math, spelling and reading. Well worth the price after endless baloney sandwiches at the city pool and teeth and lips made orange by dollar store Cheetos. Well worth the price after endless Sundays of choir practice and running back and forth and back and forth to church.   Well worth the price after endless one pot wonder meals and endless dinner table tantrums.

He’ll buy me a ticket; he better or I’ll make him pay. He’ll buy me a ticket; this way he can be home and he can teach and look after the rest and he can listen to the endless hours of bickering, arguing, fighting over history, math, spelling and reading.  It will be a nice break for him too. He’ll be home and off work.  He can take all of them to the pool or park or hiking on the trails. He can catch up on housework and laundry and so much that needs to be done here.  It will be a nice vacation for him too.

I can just imagine it; the east; the Orient; so exotic and strange. Why I’ll bet that one of the natives will invite us to go to a bath.  It isn't just a bath, you know; it’s social; it’s community. We’ll soak and talk and really get a feel for the culture.  Of course I won’t let a seventeen year old go alone; I have to go, to watch, to chaperon, to teach and set an example of mommy hood and sophistication. I can just imagine what a wonderful bonding experience this will be for the two of us. A time for us to really dig down and find the love and respect that’s there and yet to be uncovered.   This trip will open her eyes to just how wonderful I am and how lucky she is that we adopted her.  Perhaps she’ll realize that I am indeed her mommy and I am so hopeful that she’ll stop calling me just , mom and start calling me what I am, mommy.

I’m sure my seventeen year old won’t mind having me along. I have so much to offer and bring to the table. Having traveled as much as I have to Europe and the former Soviet Union; well after all I am a virtually a globe trotter. Not worldly though, good gracious no, not worldly, just well, um, well-traveled and enlightened. It will be a comfortable experience too. We’ll stay with friends of friends, church folks. I’m sure they’ll be happy to have us.  It is their charitable thing to do. I can be charitable in return too.  Perhaps they’ll have some sort of package or treats that I can bring home for their friends. Some token of love and appreciation; it’s really no bother for me to take on that burden; plus it’s so nice to be trusted. I will tote that package of treats triumphantly out of the east and deliver it to its rightful owner here in the hills.

Some other people in this position might rip into the package. They might even do so while on the plane on the way home; and some people just might eat the treats and keep the gift that is intended for someone else.  Why I can hardly imagine that! I can hardly imagine how someone could feel so justified in taking a gift intended for someone else. I suppose lesser people like gypsies or homosexuals might think that they’d never get caught. Why the mission folks in the Orient would have to talk to their friends back home in the hills and would actually have to ask after the gift.  Again, who would do such a thing?  Could church folk, doing God’s good work in bringing the yellow man to the fold be so mistrusting as to question one who is so lovingly bringing a gift home? Oh I don’t think so.

Oh I can just imagine all of this, my trip to the east, to the Orient, to Asia and so many teachable moments for me to bring home to the brood. Why, I’ll bet that I’ll get at least six months of lessons out of this experience. Maybe, some of the other mommy teachers will ask me to step in and enrich their children too. So, I guess I must go; I owe it to my children and to the other children of the hills to go and absorb the riches of the Orient so that I can safely deliver those riches back home.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sidewalks to nowhere...

Sidewalks to nowhere

As seen in the photo above, Shannon Rd. Durham NC, between Martin Luther King Parkway and Old Chapel Hill Rd. headed toward Shannon Plaza.

One walks on lovely sidewalks, then for no rhyme or reason, for fifty feet or so the sidewalk stops and the path becomes dirt.  This is just one of countless sidewalks to nowhere.

Durham, NC has a sidewalk ordinance and Durham NC governement demands payment in lieu of by builders and developers, whereby the builders and developers can pay the county a ransom and NOT build sidewalks as required by their commercial or developmental endeavors.

I must ask and I must know, where oh where to those payments in lieu of go?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Mike Huckabee, me thinks he doth protest too much

Oh, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike; what a  pathetic try.

The segregationists said that they were on the right side of the Bible.

The men trying to deny women’s suffrage said they were on the right side of the Bible.

The owners of millions of enslaved Africans said they were on the right side of the Bible.

The British, Spanish and European conquerors of the Native American people said they were on the right side of the Bible.

The Grand Inquisitors said they were on the right side of the Bible.

The Crusaders said they were on the right side of the Bible.

The crucifiers of Christ said THEY were on the right side of the Bible.

I’d bet a dollar to a doughnut too that they’d all say that the Bible wasn’t their book to change.  True, but their attitudes, prejudices and actions were theirs to change.

I think that this ordained minister might need to go back to divinity school.  The Bible most certainly did NOT drop from Heaven signed by God in its finished, edited form.  This book was inspired by events and God and written by men within the confines of their place in time.

Huckabee by his words proves that he is not Presidential material.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Homo Fascist, wow!

Homo Facists

How friggin ironic that right wing wackadoodles are so fast to scream and rant the term homo fascist or homo bully when the faggots (name I proudly wear) stand up and push back and more importantly WIN.

The likes of Pat Robertson,  Dan Cathy (Chick Fil-Gag), Mike Huckabee,  Scott Lively  author of “The Pink Swastika” and countless others are in all out tailspin because we are pushing back and winning.  Lively is particularly odious with his book title; which is as overly dramatic as a Tiera wearing Nancy-boy in full meltdown and just morally wrong, since countless gays were slaughtered under Hitler’s Third Reich and the banner of the Swastika.

Perhaps Scott Lively like Ann Coulter doesn’t believe his brand of bull shit. Perhaps Scott Lively is incendiary in his use of language just to earn a few tainted dollars like the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter and all of the mental midgets at Fox News and their bovine investors and advertisers.

I have news for this neanderthalistic crew of unenlightened idiots.  We, the homo fascists will keep punishing the likes of FireFox/Mozilla and their now unemployed CEO Brendan Eich, for their poor, narrow minded, bigoted political decisions. We will continue to shine a spotlight on the horrid policies and donations of Chick Fil-Gag until they, as Chick Fil-Gag has done walk away from those horrid policies.  We will continue to boycott the likes of Mississippi, when states such as, pass so called religious freedom laws that are nothing more than permission to discriminate based on a whim.

Finally, I will continue to call out these so called avengers and innocent victims. For years, decades and centuries even, abusers  have used far worse tactics to deal with anyone who didn't fit their definition of normal. Those outside the realm of normal have been bullied, beaten, kicked, killed, imprisoned and exterminated and yet the keepers of the keys have the gall to call those who fight back fascist.  Wow.
Author, Lawyer and nit wit Scott Lively

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Fred Phelps

Fred Phelps the infamous founder of the Westboro Church has died.  I've left Baptist off the name intentionally as there is really nothing Baptist about that church. Phelps and his church are known for their campaign of hate and picketing that God hates fags, God hates America and for picketing the funerals of fallen American soldiers.

I met Fred Phelps once, in 1993 at the March on Washington. Fred Phelps was one of the few people that upon initial meeting scared me beyond belief.  He had a way of staring that made me feel as he spoke to me as if he were staring into my soul.  The stare wasn't kind, it was creepy.  Prior to our brief meeting in 1993 I'd never heard of Fred Phelps.

In spite of how truly scary Fred Phelps was, I can't help feeling sorry for him.  I feel sorry for the tortured soul who felt inclined to live a huge portion of his adult life fostering hate and discord. He is a man who spent a large portion of his life bullying gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender folks. What must have happen in Phelps life to make him so jaded and so hateful to the least of these.  I would ask the same question of Franklin Graham, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and any number of other fundamental Bible beating Christians who spew hate and intolerance.

I wonder what happened to the poor souls to make them so mean spirited and so far off Christ's path.  I used to get angry, now I pity them and pray for them.  I think that their souls are tortured.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Subway Durham/Chapel Hill Blvd. Durham NC 27707

  • I have visited this Subway before and it was ok, but today, not so much.

    There was no line and the store was not busy. It was clean.

    The man working the register needed to leave his post to create my sandwich because the other sandwich worker was restocking the service line. His unhappiness was so evident as he put on his plastic gloves and then chastised the restocker for not restocking properly.

    It was so obvious that Mr. Cash Register was NOT happy about having to make my six inch tuna fish sub on cheesy bread. He tried to up sell me a foot long twice and was somewhat miffed that I declined the deal. Part of my self restraint shtick is to deny myself the opportunity to over eat. Buy a foot long and yep, I eat a foot long. Buy six inch sandwich and that's all I'll eat.

    I did purchase the combo though, chips and a drink make me happy and my order was to go.  I had a Subway gift card. I handed Mr. Register the gift card, he was off the service line and back at his register but still not happy,  he swiped the card. Alas there was a balance of only $1.87 on the card. I had to walk to my car to get cash. His tone was horribly condescending when he told me that I needed $5.06 more to complete my transaction.  I debated just leaving when I got to my car. I didn't, I snagged my wallet and went back in.

    I asked how much more money he needed and he told me $5.06, I handed him $6.00.  (Aside, no one was at the register) I was not holding up traffic.

    I handed Mr. Register $6.00 and he looked at me like I was an idiot and then at my money in his hand like it was some sort of vile concoction and asked me if I had $.06. His tone again full of condescension and rudeness.

    By now I'd had it and my snarky response was, "If I had six cents I would have given it to you."

    Mr. Register, not to be outdone, smacked one of my dollars and the gift card I'd previously given him together and thrust them at me.

    I told him to keep the dollar and the gift card and that I wouldn't be back.

    I can take marginal food, I can take marginal service but when one combines marginal food and horrible service, I will NEVER go back.  Sadly, the Q Shack is right next door and I could have gone there.

My Nana

On September 24 2013 my Nana died. I was lucky enough to have some last fleeting moments with her. In fact when I arrived at her home on that day, she perked up when I walked in, she smiled and said my name and was gone twelve hours later. It was surreal.  I felt blessed to have some last moments with her.  That week in September also brought my brother and me face to face for the first time in about four years.  We had a brief conversation where my take away, as suspected, is that nothing is changed and most likely never will.  Interestingly, I’m past it.

The funeral and wake were fine.  It wasn't a huge emotional carnival. Firstly, we’re not built that way and secondly Nana lived almost one hundred and two years.  She was unwell for the last two months of her life and no one should suffer; least of all my Nana.  As grandmothers go, my Nana was great. We were close, not so close that I shared everything with her or her with me.  There were aspects of each of our lives that we kept apart.  That is OK, her generation didn't share everything and maybe I learned that lesson well from her.  Interestingly, sitting here two months out, now I feel profound sadness and loss.  I keep wanting to call her on the telephone. Instead, I talk to her, much like I still talk to John and pray to God.

Thankfully, for the sake of my dad, I’d arranged for dad and mom to travel with me to Ireland for ten days in October. I think that the trip helped ease both of them through the process of Nana’s passing.  We had a great time and the trip was structured in a way to make dad comfortable.  Still, TSA and the mess that is the American airport leave me scratching my head. I wonder, exactly who won the battle on September 11? I don’t think it was the American traveler or air transit system. The screening system is silly, stupid and inefficient. There are indeed scores of blue shirted TSA employees standing around doing little if nothing.

My take away on all of this; enjoy your moments, stay close to loved ones and when traveling through US airports wear shoes that slid off and on easily.
Mom and Dad at the Ring of Kerry about two weeks after Nana passed away.