I knew in December when our tenant had applied and filled out a lease that there would be trouble with these landlords and indeed I tried to remove my self from their employ. They’d been clear that they were not interested in making any repairs to their home in Hillsborough, NC and had made a greedy grab for more security deposit.
Sadly, I didn’t follow my gut and allowed the husband to talk me into working for them. It’s easy not to repair a ramshackle home when one is comfortably out of site, five hundred or so miles away in New Jersey. From that distance water leaks from an upstairs bath to a laundry room below, moldy cupboards, gaps in exterior door ways, fogged windows and unreliable heating systems don’t seem so bad. The distance makes all of these issues abstract and unreal because from that far a field one doesn’t have to face an uncomfortable tenant.
In my position, having to look a tenant in the eye and listen to her explain that SHE believes that she’s been sick since moving in because of mold, or that she feels frustrated because one of the two bathrooms in a home that she’s rented doesn’t work is painful. People typically hire me to handle these problems; but these folks from New Jersey clearly didn’t and sadly, I allowed that to happen.
As of yesterday, I am no longer in their employ, they dismissed me; truthfully, I’m relieved and indeed I had decided that March 1; that I’d remove myself from the employ of the landlord. They did, indeed beat me to the punch, but this isn’t such a bad thing. In the future, I will go with my gut and stick to my standards; if I am being hired to manage a property then, I must insist on the tools necessary to do so.