When a pundit starts a phrase with, I’m a Christian, watch out here it comes.
“I’m Christian. I’ve made mistakes. I believe fervently in second chances. Michael Vick killed dogs in a heartless and cruel way. I think, firstly, he should have been executed for that. The idea the president of the United States would be getting behind someone who murdered dogs is beyond the pale.”
Tucker Carlson, on Fox News, sitting in for Glenn Beck.
Wow, I think Mr. Carlson knotted his bow tie too tight and it’s cutting off the air to his head, oh if the problem were that simple. In one breath Carlson believes in second chances, deplores the killing of dogs and promotes the killing of human beings and claims that he believes in the redemptive foundations of following Jesus Christ.
In the quote Tucker is talking about the Philadelphia quarterback, Michael Vick who served prison time for dog fighting, a horrible act by any stretch and president Obama’s praise that he, Vick was given a second chance; something else that Tucker claims to believe in.
So, I’m left wondering, what Bible does Carlson read, and what is really behind his statement of cultural cannibalism, could it be that Carlson has a far more prejudiced agenda at work here? One can’t help but wonder. Perhaps Tucker would like to sit down with me for a bit o' Bible study.